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Monday, January 23, 2012

The sting of consecration

Dear Blog Audience,

Today was the first day of the spring 2012 semester at IHOPU [International House Of Prayer University]. It was the first day of no facebook and the first day that my blog got zero traffic. Not gonna lie, it stings to have over 200 views within the first four days and then boom, nothing. Just cause I'm not spamming everyone on facebook.

As I checked my stats to see who had been busy reading my heart-felt words while I was at school, I was disappointed to see that the answer was no one and I immediately thought, "Maybe it's stupid to give up facebook." I was so certain about my decision to turn off my facebook just a few moments ago. I'm so easily swayed by my emotions! [Lord, help me stay steady in what You've called me to do.]

Some of you may be thinking, "Why in the world did you give up facebook anyways?" Well, the answer is simple: I don't want to cheat myself out of anything that I might get out of this semester at school by being distracted by my social networks. Last fall at the beginning of the semester I was issued a challenge by the Holy Spirit asking me, "How deep will you go this semester?" And I realized that the depths to which I reach for and set my heart on in the semester is how much God can answer back and take me into. That's when my consecration began to be about more than just being single. It began being about my eyes, my ears, my free time, my mouth, my lifestyle... 

Right now the consecration doesn't feel so beautiful. But I still choose it. Yes, I know it looks like foolishness to the world but God has met me so powerfully in my season of abandon that I can't go back. When you taste something better than what you used to eat, you don't usually go back to that old food again, you stick with the new food. When you see something that is more beautiful than what you are used to seeing, the old things don't thrill you anymore. You just want one more glimpse of that beauty. It's all you think about. It's all you picture in your head. You tell everyone about this thing of beauty that has captured your attention and is so much more beautiful than anything you have ever seen before. That's how this season of seeking and finding God has been for me. I've tasted and I've seen and only Jesus can satisfy the heart inside of my chest.

One of my favorite songs to listen to is called "Worth it All" by Rita Springer. I listen to this song over and over and over and over and over... just ask my family. They know my routine- I get stuck on a song and I listen to it literally hundreds of times for weeks and weeks until I move on to my next song They are such patient people :) But this song has marked my heart. I believe with everything inside of me that me setting aside the things of this world will be so worth it at the end when I get to see the beautiful face of Jesus. It won't matter that no one looked at my blog today because instead of spending two hours on facebook, I loved my family. I won't remember being disappointed on the first day of school because no one read my posts, I'll remember that I sought the face of the Lord and He reached down and touched my heart. I believe that these little things that I say no to now will push me deeper into the infinite heart of God. There's not a doubt in my mind that having a facebook or watching movies or listening to secular music or surfing on the internet would keep me from experiencing all that God has in His heart to give me in this season.

Therefore, the lack of readers on my site = worth it. 

And that's why I am consecrated. Even when it stings.


  1. Amen! Keep it up, Baylea! No compromising! I have realized that facebook is not a way of communication but it actually hinders it. I can look up what my friends are doing without even talking to them. Is this where our society is now? I have been feeling challenged about given up facebook for the semester as well. I have never "fasted" from facebook before and I think that it will give me a world of good. I guess my only concern is that I communicate a lot of wedding stuff online... but maybe that is just an excuse? Keep writing... you inspire me. Its just for some reason my subscription doesn't notify me when you blog.

    1. I love that my best friend commented on this :) If you're feeling like you should give up facebook for the semester DO IT! Seriously, last semester was my best semester ever and I would love to just see things come alive in your heart in this season if that is what God is calling you to do. Maybe you could have your mom help with the online wedding stuff? Don't hold back because of practicalities. Be smart but know that gaining intimacy with Jesus is the only thing that will remain at the end of time.
