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Friday, April 27, 2012

Washed with Truth

Hi Blog Audience,

This will be a short update for two reasons. Reasons #1- I only have 18 minutes of battery left on my laptop. Reason #2- I need to leave in 20 minutes.

I wanted to update though because I woke up this morning and I actually got out of bed within the first snooze. This hasn't happened for the last few weeks. And then I purposefully turned on Jon Thurlow (youtube search him, best decision of your life after choosing to follow Jesus.) because I wanted to have a heart that was alive. Yes, it is possible to have a heart that is burning by 8am in the morning. I love mornings like this.
The other night I was going to watch October Baby with my mom because I thought, "Well, it's a good movie, I should support it, right?" And from all I heard, it was a good movie and people should support it if they can. However, God took my movie fast more serious that I did and when we got to the movie theater the one showing we could see was cancelled due to projector malfunctioning. I spent the rest of the evening realizing how much God wants to use the time I have chosen to NOT give to movies to talk to me. To build intimacy with me. This is the second time in the year where God has showed me how seriously He is taking my fasts. Earlier this year my friend couldn't find bouna (the best food in the Fes Medina) to bring me when she came to visit. That was God reminding me, "This junk food fast that you're on? It really does matter to me." Not that I kept it perfectly after that but...

That leads to the sort of point of this blog. Yesterday at chapel we had one of my favorite IHOPU teachers share about fasting. It was so good to be hit (all over again) with the truth of why I should fast. It's not because I'm earning something or proving something or I have to make my life hard to make it count. No. It's because it connects me to the heart of God and it is done from a heart of being lovesick. Jesus didn't want His disciples to fast until they were absolutely fascinated by God and it wouldn't be religious or just motions with no heart. It was supposed to be the act of love. A gift to God to show that I love Him.

I left that chapel feeling loved and washed with truth. I love days like that. It had been a tough day for more reasons than one and then I got to be reminded that it's not me or my strength or zeal or wisdom or anything else... It's Jesus poured out for me and providing a way for me to love God back with all my heart, soul, mind and strength.

Okay, laptop battery is going to die!


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