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Monday, February 6, 2012

Journey of Love

Who is this Beautiful Man?
The One who is shining like the sun.
His eyes are burning with passion and glowing with meekness.
His hands are scarred.
His side pierced.
His voice like the sound of thunder and the sound of a waterfall.
Who is this Beautiful Man?
This One that is clothed in light.
His countenance is majestic and humble.
His mouth is sweet.
Nothing but truth comes from Him.
From His heart, His mouth, His mind.
Such a radiant peace shines from His frame. 
Love overflows from His smile.
Joy pours from His heart.
Who is this Beautiful Man?
So different from every other man I've ever known.
When I look at Him I feel alive.
His passion for me stirs passion for Him and I cannot stay silent.
His feet run over mountains, through the wilderness, across the valleys.
I must follow Him!
Please, Let me stay with You!
My heart cries out.
Don't leave me here without Your beauty.
Your love.
Your peace.
Your safety.
I know that running over the mountains of life with You would be better than being here without You.
I know that following You into the season of loss and solitude is better than being here without You.
I know that finding You in choosing humility is better than being here without You.
Your beauty has touched something inside.
Something I didn't even know I had.
The deepest longing I have ever felt in my life is now awakened.
The strongest passion that my heart can handle.
A desire that surpasses that of ordinary love.
This is Real Love.
Come back, oh Beautiful Man! 
You alone have the words of life!
You alone speak comfort to my soul.
You alone can calm the raging fears in my heart.
I see You!
You're looking in at me.
Your eyes are blazing, I can feel the heat.
Your face is shining, it's piercing the darkness around me.
Your hand is pressed against the window pane and I see, once again, the mark of love on Your palm.
"It was for you." 
I hear the whisper and my heart skips a beat.
"It was all for love."
Love is awakening inside of me.
"My desire for you carried me through to the end."
No one has ever loved like this man.
If I stay and He goes, I will surely die without Him.
Stay with me!
I cry.
"I cannot stay."
The voice breaks my heart. 
So tender.
So solemn.
I look around and realize that there is nothing of comfort that is worth keeping and losing Him for.
No friend, family, possession, position, house or plan.
Suddenly, I know what I must do.
Nothing can keep me here away from that Beautiful man!
I must leave all behind.
I must take the way of the cross.
I must take the way of suffering.
There is a whisper in my heart that knows a blessed hope.
This hope is that no pain in this life will be worse than the exchange of glory the next life will give me.
I choose You!
My heart finds freedom in the declaration.
I will run!
But wait... Where are You?
My heart aches.
The emptiness threatens to crush me.
My soul lay lifeless.
Giver of life, come back to me.
I can barely lift my voice. 
"Come away!"
An echo reaches me and I know who it is.
It is the Beautiful Man.
There is no question in my heart as I leave my comfort.
I leave all things familiar.
I let go of what I earned.
Nothing compares to that echo that is drawing me out.
All flesh is grass!
I know this world is not my home.
Even the days of my life are but a shadow in the infinitude of eternity.
Where is home?
"Come away!"
Suddenly, I know.
My home is with Him.
He is my inheritance.
My portion.
My reward.
A small door is in front of me and I know the Beautiful Man is on the other side.
"Come away!"
His voice is louder.
I cannot get through the door any other way than to leave everything behind.
I say yes and push through.
Suddenly, He is there!
His eyes, His hands, His face, His beauty.
My soul drinks deeply of this Man.
Peace surrounds me, Love carries me, Joy fills me, Hope guides me.
On the mountains of life.
In the wilderness.
Deep in the valleys of humility where I am alone.
Soon my eyes will blaze like His eyes.
Soon my heart will overflow with love.
My face will shine.
My thoughts and words will be truth. 
On the day when my faith is made sight.
On the day when my clay pot bursts to reveal the glory that is placed in me.
No more mirrors.
No more shadows.
Real Love.
Face to face.
Draw me away!
You have been faithful to my heart.
Draw me away!
Nothing compares to You.
Draw me away!
I want to be like you. 
Just like you.

Come, Beautiful Man. Come home.

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